
Real-time management of the anywhere endpoint

1E is the modern remote endpoint management solution designed to significantly improve user experience. Its Tachyon single agent and platform is built around a revolutionary real-time engine and provides both holistic digital experience monitoring and remediation. Tachyon is a powerful tool that helps IT get control of its endless to-do list.

Key Features and Benefits

Deliver World-Class Employee Experience

Understand digital employee experience at scale with unparalleled accuracy through synthetic microtransactions

Shorten Your Endless IT To-Do List

Remediate and implement change across hundreds of thousands of endpoints in real-time

Support Shift Left IT Initiatives

Self-heal hundreds of common issues through self-servicing and virtual agent integration

Improve ROI of Existing IT Tools

Build on existing policy-based, workflow, and security tools such as ServiceNow, MEM, Splunk

Save Millions in Licensing Costs

Manage software assets more effectively through an integrated SAM solution

Additional Materials

Case Study: How AppClarity saved the U.S. taxpayer millions at a leading federal agency

From F to A: How 1E helped the US Department of Veteran Affairs (VA) make the grade

White Paper: How to manage your endpoints in a remote-first world

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