EPIC Employee: Tom Steiner

Merlin Cyber is a trusted advisor and source of cybersecurity innovation for the U.S. Federal Government. We’ve earned this reputation over the last 25 years thanks in large part to our dedicated and driven employees. From executive leadership on down, our team members bring Excellence, Passion, Integrity, and Courage to everything they do. Today we shine the spotlight on Tom Steiner, a Federal Account Executive for Merlin Cyber.

What are you committed to?

Getting to know my customers as people, what their personal, mission, and IT/security goals are for their organization, and understanding the impact to society of the agencies they serve. Then tying all that information into ways in which Merlin Cyber can best support them.

Tom-and-Luna-293x300What motivates you?

The feeling when a customer says, “Yes, I’ll do business with you.”

What is your favorite thing about working for Merlin?

The executive team gives me best-of-breed security technologies to sell. They’re also great to collaborate with as I identify the needs of and provide solutions to my customers. Their unique insights help me serve my customers better.

  Tom and his dog Luna on a road trip.

What are the biggest challenges you see in the cybersecurity industry? If you could, what would you fix?

Customers buying tools that go unused and turn into shelf-ware. This is fixed by proactive account management over the duration of the contract to ensure adoption and usage. Merlin facilitates this very well!

Our Employees are EPIC

Excellence in all endeavors
Be the best. Be purposeful. Open and honest communication.
Passion in every effort
Positive energy. Pride of workmanship. Fueled by customer success.
Integrity in our actions
Act with good intentions. Mutual respect. Keep your word.
Courage in innovation
Creative freedom. Perpetual exploration. Embrace the edge.

How PAM Can Protect Feds From Third Party/Service Account Cyber Attacks

How PAM Can Protect Feds From Third Party/Service Account Cyber Attacks

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